I believe that the rapture will be taking place in our lifetime.Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Rapture is clearly taught in Scripture. The Rapture of the church is the event in which God
removes all of the believers from the earth in order to make way for
His righteous judgements to be poured out on the earth during the Tribulation period. The Rapture is described primarily in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-54. (1.) Meaning:
Of time,the beginning of a period of time, a point of something takes place. (2.) Meaning:To come into the presence of, to meet. (3.) Meaning: The Coming of the Lord, Manifestation of the Divine power or Providence. ( 4.) Meaning: Jesus Christ Manifestation of the Whole Earth. (**) Jesus Christ's return: The Anti-christ will be defeated, and will be bound ( through not wholly destroyed); then the Just alone shall rise from the graves: they will be judged and rewarded for their good works and the Millennial Kingdom will be established. Have you read Revelation, starting with the Seven SealsThe Scroll with the Seven Seals from The Throne of God in heaven are given to Jesus Christ for Him to open but they happen on earth beginning with the 4 Horsemen. What are the Seven Seals? The First Seal - The White Horseman. Religious Deception and Persecution, Represents a false peace, “Peace can only be kept by the sword.” It will be a tactic favored by the Antichrist. From a global population of 6 billion souls, approximately 1/3 of the people die during his reign. The Second Seal - The Red Horseman. Red symbolisms the power of war and blood. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. War around the world on a national level. The Third Seal - The Black Horseman . Terrible worldwide famine of the last days. The measurement describes that a persons daily wage will buy only one days worth of food for (1) one person. There will be no money left over for shelter or extra food for the family. The Fourth Seal - The Pale Horseman. Plagues borders on the realm of the unreal. These are those people whom are corrupted in this world, nations, and as a human being, Organizations to the New World Order that are intertwined with one another with the Anti-christ worldwide. Death by plague, sword, beasts... During his reign one quarter of humanity will be destroyed, by diseases, killed by tyrants, or killed by animals.The Fifth Seal - The Tribulation Martyrs...Tribulati on Saints, mark of the beast. You will be digitized - resistance is futile! An electronic data system to keep track of everything and everyone. These people will resist worshipping the Antichrist, they will resist the new global governing system and they will not accept the (666) compulsory computer chip implants. For their rebellious attitude they will be jailed & tortured, killed or beheaded.
We see then that an economic World System is soon coming, whereby we will all be under the rule of one man. Do the Scriptures tell us from where this man and his System arise from ? The fourth trumpet causes the sun and moon to be darkened. 1/3 of sun, moon and stars smitten. Day and night will be darkened. The seventh trumpet calls forth the seven angels with the seven bowls of God’s wrath Trumpet prophecy leads to a war in Heaven with Satan. Satan will use the Russian and Arab/Muslim armies to strike against Israel. The Russian and Arab/Muslim armies will march on Israel and make the first nuclear strike. Russia will send some nuclear missiles to the Western allies of Israel to divert them. The invasion of a 200 million-man army will be swift and unexpected. “...coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud. The first bowl causes painful sores to break out on humanity. The people that took the – Mark of the Beast - computer chip under the skin means they are worshippers of the Antichrist. The computer chip in these people will cause a grievous sore over the entire body. The second bowl results in the death of every living thing in the sea. Every living creature in the sea dies The Third Bowl: causes the rivers to turn into blood. - All the fresh water of the rivers and streams become deadly, undrinkable and unusable The fourth bowl results in the sun’s heat being intensified and causing great pain. The sun and great heat burn the skin of many people. The fifth bowl causes great darkness and an intensification of the sores from the first bowl. “Darkness covers the land, ”In this prophecy, the daylight hours are shortened or no flesh would be saved. This signals the world that the Messiahs coming is imminent. Only one final event needs to be staged... The Sixth Bowl: results in the Euphrates river being dried up and the armies of the Antichrist being gathered together to wage the battle of The third attack on Israel The Seventh Bowl: Results in an devasting earthquake folllowed by giant hailstones a hundered pounds each fell upon men. The final sign is from the skies. Tremendous thunder and lightening, causing hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, and tremendous Earthquak auch as never was upon the Earth. The earth split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. For those whom read this I would like to personally invite everyone to think about grown - ups as parents or all grandparents to totally think about our children whom takes care of them through those lives from birth till the times they graduate from High school or perhaps collage that just might happen to come back home to be entering life themselves into the world system in having jobs in taking care of self till one day finding a mate then having children on their own in a family unit. Like a very loving parent whom very gently shakes a child to attempt to wake them up from a nap or a good night sleep. And perhaps the child just does not wake - up immediately then by shaking then becomes does a bit more harder with firmness and then it does come across as a serious. How often the american people just don't see the seriousness with having some things that comes across our televisions and radio, newspapers that had simliar effects of what goes on in this world before us. We see things and hear things that goes beyond the depth of one own spirit that needs more attention to those things such a everything that the Holy Bible has told them that they've ignored or refused to fully trust and believe in themselves. Well I know that people needs to re-read it and fully believe it before it's way to late to be able to turn one's own life in examination as well as possibly going back to church and find out for themselves in seeking those truths in being able to turn away from whom they are to become a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as the door to Him will be shut permanetly and not to live in eternity and reuniting with all of their loved ones once again. This worlds is coming to a close as we know it or what it had been everything has drastically changed over the years and centuries like never before in a lifetime. Now is the time to fully wake-up and to realize it for what it is in everybody's own life in seeking, asking, knocking on the door of life instead of heading to that awful place to which No one want to end -up for eternity, nor being able to see a loved one again! The perios of time is "Tribulation" has come upon everyone to which Jesus Christ will be judging every single person in this world. Don't be left behind ! i_amgodschild.