Friday, January 4, 2008

Prayer Knowing God's Will And Seeing His Results

Prayer Knowing God's Will And Seeing His Results

Dear Precious Heavenly Father: As we to do come and bow down to kneel in worship only You at this hour of the neginning of our day.
We only want to worship You in our hearts and down tot he deepestof us all this day and forever more to sing praises unto your Holy name. As we tell the whole world and in our assembly in givingYou our praises for You are our King. With our hands held high and our hearts toward only You for we have these in our hearts of thanksand praise unto our Precious Lord Jesus Christ whom sits upon His Throne. For He is so Good!, He issoFaithful! And He loves Hismight Isreal which endures forever and ever! In saying these unto You Father God we give a mighty shout unto You in prasing whom YOU are because of whom You are unto us all in been having fighting our heaviest battles that only have come to blows by You defeating it. As we sing praises in our own thanksgiving unto You. Praises unto ourLord Jehovah God , Jesus The Son in their heavenly Throne and to our Holy Spirit whom send it up to them, in that dwelling place that is our future home. Praise Him in His mighty heaven, Praise Him for Hismighty works; Praise Him in His mighty works, unequaled beyond compare that only His servants can know that are unto Him as His children upon the earth. We praise Him with a trumpet blast that could only come from that Mighty Shofar. Praise Him with lyrics and all instruments in dancing before our God let every thing upon this earth in singing unto our Lord. Just as Your Son has said unto us inYour Word..." Oh, Father, Lord of Earth thank You for hiding truthfrom those who think themselves so wise and cleaver, for it is revealed to whom is childlike, Yes, Father God , it pleases You do it that way. For we know in one's sufferings as we pray unto You even at those time we ought to be thanking you Father, we do fail in it before You in asking for ones own forgivness in showing us the roads to take before You this day forth continually before You. As we give praises and those instruments are coming forth unto You Father God only because You are always good to us, faithful, true,righteousness abounds with the glorious presence that justfills the air all around us because You love endures forever!
For only You have shown us the way of our lives in walking with You
and your very precious words and that glorious holy spirit in guiding us
all the ways that we must take before you in doing so it bring that deep
penetraning joy from within us all,and such devoted pleasures that
only comes from You, Oh that streams of all the river of life that assures us in the overflowing fountains of that river that only comes from You as we totally being in worship
in You "Abba Father in whom we send out our praises unto You forever and ever. Oh, "Abba Father" we honor You as long as we live in lifting up ones praise in prayer, You are satisfying all that anything that is upon this earth even those richest food as we singing ones praises in joy as we lift it up only to You. For You have been our solid rock which is our very firm foundation,ourmighty fortress, our Savior, whom is our devoted protecter,shield, and our strength that came in ones salvation, you my mightystronghold, high tower, whom comes and saves in times of troublesand saves us from our enemies as we take hold of You Father God.AsYou do them destructions and those sounds of death pass over us in that great victory which that only You can give. For You passed by in ones own listening ears as the rocks and earth trembled beneath our feet becuase of Your anger in what they had tried to do unto your own children whom are always and forever the apples of your eyes.
Praise You 'Abba Father" As you have opened heaven before us and the
clouds were beneath Your feet ... Those angles in those clouds just
soars by that mighty rushing winds in that heavy thundering mighty
storm which always yields to You as You approach those wicked demons
that have been cut to threads by your might hands. Only you can
have that brightness that blazes forth as You always give
Your mighty loud shouts from heaven Throne room as You are coming
across from that Mighty victory in defeating all that had been in
and around your children whom You hold so dear to Your heart. You
had scattered and cut them down into mighty pieaces as You had
reached down from heaven home and recued us out of the deep waters
of those whom dared to defeat me in them wanting me to be hurt, and
destroyed by those whom You have defeated before us in knowing that
all of them are way to strong for us.
But You our mighty
defender led us safely home in knowing ones innocence by gving Your
rewards that compensates us all in homes that love you and adores
You Lord God. For abhor any kind of evil that this world has in its
trappings that only they know and see in trying to devour and burry
dep in a grave. You always are so faithful, true, with mighty
integrity, purness upon them whom are in only You Father God. You
show oneself to all wickedness that you are hostile, but unto us
whom are humble you tenderly rescue from those prdeful people whm
are very proud only to humliate them at their feet. For You are our
true light which lights up our darkness in Your powerful strengths
we crush all of our enemies as Your promises always holds true in our mighty
protections which provided from You are our God whom is solid as our rock before our
eyes. Glory, glory, glory unto the Lamb of God.Blessed be our rock,
blessed be the one whom is always exlted upon His Throne!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! To the Lamb of God! As we sing,
shout joyfully in every thing that You do before us and around our
very lives daily as one's mighty King and lover and savior of our
souls. We love you, We love You for You are our God and King whom name is always
Jehovah God, Emmanuel,The First and the Last,Yahweh,You are our King forever and ever
Father as I say unto you this prayer for families,circleof a host of friends,aquaintances Help them know Your will through the spiritual wisdom and understanding that comes from the Spirit so they may live lives worthy of You, pleasing You in every way. Help them to bear fruit, to influence others' lives in every good thing they do. May they constantly be growing in their understanding of who You are and in their awareness of how You work in this world of which you have made from the beginning of time. Oh, Father God, Our Mediator whom is ever so present before us Father right Now we do come bodly beore your throne of grace and mercy to all of those people whereever they are in thier homes or on the international net asking for prayers in whom all have needs and desires. We do come into an agreement with your Holy Words that say's in [Matthew 18:19,20 in all of these peoples life. For Jesus Christ has already paid for all of the healing's where it say's [ 1Peter 2:24b],"By His stripes Ye are healed"So, right now we say right now Thank You for all total healing's as Your Holy Spirit as it moves upon the people as they read this prayer. For as it say's in your word in [Phil.4:6]"Be anxious for nothing in everything by prayer and supplication with thankgiving let your requests be known unto God.

And we send Your word, now into all of those’s needs, accessed by the power of the blood of Jesus and faith in the finished price by Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. In the name of Jesus, Amen! Amen! i_amgodschildcc.

Scriptures:(Colossians 1:9, 1 John 2:28; Colossians 1:10. (Romans 12:1–2)(Matthew 6:10; Ephesians 6:6; Colossians 4:12; Hebrews 10:36; Colossians S 1:11–12a),(Isa.61:1Heb.1:8;Heb.4:16;Ex.20:11;Isa57:16).

Hear the sound of heaven
Like the sound of many
It's the sound of worship Coming from throne Cries of adoration As
men from every nation Lift their voice to make His glory
known ,singing
Holy, holy holy are You Lord
Holy holy holy are You
The elders and angles bow
The redeemed worship you now
Holy holy holy are You Lord.
By: Terry Mac Almon (1997) Heaven Song Music

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